Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Capitalismo in pezzi

Ogni sguardo che si avventuri oltre la finestra incontra, dall’altra parte della strada, l’insegna di un supermercato. Il suo nome, famoso in mezzo mondo, è una parola corta che suona buffa e vuota per la sua apparente assenza di significato. Le lettere che lo compongono ne attraversano il simbolo costituito da un ampio sole giallo, che si stacca dallo sfondo blu per il contorno rosso. È un sole immobile che esercita costantemente la sua pressione di luce al neon attraverso la nebbia e le foglie che cadono. Ed è in grado addirittura, sfruttando al massimo la sua carica artificiale, di guadagnarsi la capacità di diffondere calore nella monotonia di campiture di cemento armato e con l’inverno ormai alle porte. Eppure i corpi celesti di questa specie nascondono coi loro riflessi al neon, molto più di ciò che nelle vicinanze possono effettivamente rischiarare...

Da Luna e Gnac di Italo Calvino, Marcovaldo 1963 :

" La notte durava venti secondi, e venti secondi il GNAC. Per venti secondi si vedeva il cielo azzurro variegato di nuvole nere, la falce della luna crescente dorata, sottolineata da un impalpabile alone, e poi stelle che più le si guardava più infittivano la loro pungente piccolezza, fino allo spolverio della Via Lattea, tutto questo visto in fretta, ogni particolare su cui ci si fermava era qualcosa dell'insieme che si perdeva, perché i venti secondi finivano subito e cominciava il GNAC.

Il GNAC era una parte della scritta pubblicitaria SPAAK-COGNAC sul tetto di fronte, che stava venti secondi accesa e venti spenta, e quando era accesa non si vedeva nient'altro. La luna improvvisamente sbiadiva, il cielo diventava uniformemente nero e piatto, le stelle perdevano il brillio, e i gatti e le gatte che da dieci secondi lanciavano gnaulii d'amore muovendosi languidi uno incontro all'altro lungo le grondaie e le cimase, ora, col GNAC, s'acquattavano sulle tegole a pelo ritto, nella fosforescente luce al neon. 
- Ta-ta-tà... Hai visto, papà, che l'ho spenta con una sola raffica? - disse Filippetto, ma già, fuori della luce al neon, il suo fanatismo guerriero era svanito e gli occhi gli si riempivano di sonno.

- Magari! - scappò detto al padre, - andasse in pezzi! Vi farei vedere il Leone, i Gemelli...

- Il Leone! - Michelino fu preso d'entusiasmo. -Aspetta! - Gli era venuta un'idea. Prese la fionda, la caricò del ghiaino  ... "

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Deconstructing Capitalism

Every morning, the first glance I throw out of my window meets a kind of sun. It does not matter if it is cloudy, rainy or foggy.. this sun always shines. Under this sun many other signs and advertisements keep their place in front and above my window. But this sun in particular, reminds me of the big eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleburg in the commercial panel mentioned in F. Scott Fitzgerald‘s novel, The Great Gatsby.

“I spoke to her,” he muttered, after a long silence. “I told her she might fool me but she couldn’t fool God. I took her to the window.”— with an effort he got up and walked to the rear window and leaned with his face pressed against it ——” and I said ‘God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!’” 
Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. 
“God sees everything,” repeated Wilson. 
“That’s an advertisement,” Michaelis assured him. Something made him turn away from the window and look back into the room. But Wilson stood there a long time, his face close to the window pane, nodding into the twilight.

From The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Pasolini interviews Ungaretti on Homosexuality

Comizi d'amore - Love Meetings (1965)

While looking for the right set for his film Il Vangelo secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St Matthew, 1964), Pier Paolo Pasolini embarks on a journey throughout Italy and, driven by restless curiosity and a deep passion, he gives life to Comizi d'amore (Love Meetings).

Equipped only with his microphone, Pasolini explores the most diverse social environments, traveling the Peninsula from north to south, and asking for Italians' opinions about sexuality, love, eroticism: farmers, workers, students, housewives, actors, writers, nobody is spared. He thereby provides us with a photography of the Country at the beginning of the 1960s (it was 1963, the film-documentary will be released in 1965).

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Galeb in Regensburg : a Walk Together

Today I post the pics of a restoring morning with my musician friend Galeb. Few days ago, due to several and complicated reasons, we met in Regensburg, a suggestive Bavarian town. 
We had a walk, a coffee, a chat and a few jokes.. Then once again, we said good bye... 
Who knows when will the next meeting be! 
Lukily any of us can keep track of his adventures by listening his ...

Free Music :   

Official Site:   

See you Galeb !  

All other pics below ..

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Music of Kalmykia: Okna Tsahan Zam

The Republic of Kalmykia is the only country in Europe whose main religion is Buddhism in its Tibetan way, due to ancient migration of peoples from the East. It is part of the Russian Federation and it is located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Its culture and traditions are still in vigour today and they conserve typical aspects of central Asia folklore. Among those, there is a particular method of singing through which it is possible to express multiple sounds simultaneously. Okna Tsahan Zam is an interpreter of this Art.

I thank my friend Andrea for letting me know the following video belonging to Tim Cope Journeys Channel.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

La Scuola Etnica del Laos

Il sistema scolastico del Laos raccoglie allievi di tutte le etnie. La scuola elementare mostrata in questo video oggi non ha avuto assenti, ma più avanti negli anni sarà difficile trovare qualcuno che abbia voglia di continuare gli studi..

La cultura degli Akha è molto raffinata, sebbene la scrittura sia rimasta sconosciuta sino a tempi recenti. Essi affermano però di avere posseduto dei testi nell'antichità, ma siccome erano riportati su pelle di bufalo, gli antichi Akha si mangiarono tutta la loro conoscenza scritta quando furono colpiti da una carestia. Da allora, è una pratica normale imparare tutto a memoria, molto più agevole del conservare i libri come fanno gli altri...

I figli sono il tesoro di una famiglia Akha che, molto spesso, adotta anche altri bambini. La natura fornisce tutto il cibo necessario e, durante le celebrazioni, il sacrificio degli animali da parte delle famiglie più ricche permette anche ai più poveri di mangiare carne.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Sorriso al Betel

Gli Akha amano il Betel, una pianta con proprietà cardiotoniche, vermicide, astringenti, digestive e leggermente narcotiche, oltre a costituire un aiuto contro la fatica. Le donne in questo video ne masticano le foglie racchiudendovi della calce. Effetti collaterali: il tannino contenuto nella pianta macchia la loro bocca e il calcare ne consuma i denti..

Friday, 18 July 2014

Incontro con lo Sciamano

Incontro con lo Sciamano di un villaggio Lanten nella giungla del Laos. Interessante spiegazione sulla trasmissione della conoscenza sciamanica attraverso le generazioni, di cui i testi sono scritti in ideogrammi cinesi su uno strato di fine carta di bambù. La stessa carta un tempo usata per avvolgere i panetti di oppio..

La mansione più importante dello sciamano è di mettersi in contatto con gli spiriti quando qualcuno decede. Il sangue di pollo e di cane viene versato tutto attorno al villaggio che rimane chiuso. Nessuno può entrare o uscire per 3 gironi, mentre gli spiriti vengono invocati al suono di gong e tamburi.

La ricollocazione dei villaggi Laotiani lungo le strade non significa automaticamente un miglioramento nelle condizioni di vita della popolazione. L'allevamento di animali da cortile e i la raccolta dei prodotti della natura sono i principali mezzi di sostentamento, ma l'età media in Laos resta molto bassa: appena 20 anni, probabilmente la più bassa del mondo.

Monday, 14 July 2014

I Gruppi Etnici del Laos

Gli Akha sono stati i maggiori produttori di oppio del Laos, da cui ricavavano il poco denaro che gli serviva. Il governo, per porre fine a questo commercio e aumentare il controllo, ha trasferito i loro villaggi lungo le strade principali e ha convertito la loro coltura dall'oppio al rattan. Gli Akha lo vendono ora al mercato dove si ritrovano tutti i gruppi etnici. Questo video getta uno sguardo sulla frammentazione etnica del Laos e mostra come la sua gente viva al giorno d'oggi.

In Laos, il sistema agricolo denominato debbio, è ancora in uso per far crescere il riso secco. Dopo qualche anno però, la coltura necessita di essere trasferita perché il terreno perde produttività. Almeno, questo sistema, non ha bisogno di sostanze chimiche che inquinano il terreno e le acque dei fiumi possono essere così utilizzate per le normali attività quotidiane. Quando il villaggio cambia sito, lo Zoema, il capo della comunità individuo il posto adatto interpretando un “segno speciale”: lascia cadere un uovo per terra e se questo si rompe è sufficiente a dare il via libera.

Le erbe sono un'altra importante risorsa del Laos, sia per curarsi che per cucinare. Per esempio, esiste un'erba che migliora le prestazioni sessuali -sebbene serva solo agli uomini- mentre un'altra chiamata Kalanka ferma la diarrea...

Friday, 11 July 2014

Il Pranzo di Capodanno dei Kalom - Laos

Una famiglia di etnia Kalom prepara il pranzo per festeggiare l'anno nuovo durante il terzo giorno di Songkran. Si comincia dalla macellazione di una mucca per finire con un gotto di whisky Lao Lao con dentro.. una tartaruga e una velenosa scolopendra!  

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Senza Nome - Laos

Non c'è bisogno di affrettarsi per trovare il nome ad un neonato.. potrebbe infatti servire del tempo prima di capire quale potrebbe essere il più appropriato..

Vita quotidiana di un villaggio Red Tai in Laos dove una mamma tesse sino a 3 metri di stoffa colorata al giorno mentre sorveglia sui bambini.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Gli Spiriti della Pioggia sopra la Giungla - Laos

Riti d’invocazione della pioggia durante il terzo giorno di Songkran in Laos. Tutte le tribù si riuniscono al tempio per le celebrazioni. I monaci buddisti vi ricevono le offerte che a loro volta condividono con gli Akha, un gruppo etnico di professione animista.

Fare arrabbiare gli Spiriti del Cielo a volte può essere più vantaggioso che assecondarli. Infatti è proprio quando gli Spiriti sono infuriati che questi mandano la pioggia sulla terra.. Questo video mostra una maniera particolare di ottenere la pioggia per mezzo di lancio di razzi contro le nuvole.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

A Betel Smile - Akha Women in Laos

Akha people love Betel, a plant with cardio tonic, vermicide, astringent, digestive and slightly narcotic properties. Betel is a good help against fatigue. The women on this video chew Betel leaves with powder of limestone. Side effects: the tannin contained in the plant stains their mouth and the limestone consumes their teeth..

Ethnic Groups of Laos

The Akhas were the bigger producer of opium in Laos and they could earn the small money they needed from the narco-traffickers. In order to fight this illegal commerce, the government relocated most of their villages along the main roads and converted their production to the rattan cane. The Akhas sell it on the market where all ethnic groups of Laos gather to trade. This video casts a suggestive look on the fragmented ethnic composition of Laos and shows how its peoples live nowadays. 

In Laos, Slush and Burn is a primitive agricultural system still in use to grow the "dry rice". After a few years the plantation need to be moved for the loss of productivity, but at least this method does not involve any chemical fertilizers. In this way, the waters of the rivers are not polluted and are suitable for all daily uses. When the village is to be transferred the Zoema, the chief of the community, finds the new location by interpreting a "special omen": the braking of an egg.

Herbs are another very important resource in Laos, both for healing and cooking. As an example, there is one herb that improves sex (although only for men..) while another one named Kalanka stops diarrhea...

Meeting the Shaman - Laos

A talk with a Shaman in a Lanten village in the jungle of Laos. Interesting explanation about the transmission of the shamanic knowledge through generations. Important texts are written in Chinese ideograms on a thin bamboo paper. The same paper was used in the past to wrap opium pats..

The most important duty of the Shaman is to put himself into contact with the Spirits when somebody passes away. Blood of chickens and dogs is poured all around the village, which remains closed. Nobody in, nobody out for 3 days. Then, the spirits are invoked at the sound of gongs and drums.

Ethnic School of Laos

Schooling system in Laos gathers pupils from all Ethnicities. The primary school shown in this video counts no absent, but later on in the years it is hard to find someone willing to continue the studies... 

The culture of the Akhas is very refined, although writing was unknown until recently. Yet, they say that they used to have text in the old times, but as they were written on buffalo skin the ancient Akhas ate all their written knowledge during a famine. Now, it is normal practice for them to learn everything by heart while others have to keep books..

Kids are the treasure of an Akha family, who very often welcomes among their own children adopted kids. Nature provides all the necessary food and during the celebrations the sacrifice of animals owned by the wealthy families allows the poorest to eat meat as well.

Kalom New Year Lunch - Laos

A Kalom family prepares the New Year lunch on the 3rd day of Songkran in Laos, starting with the butchering of a cow...and ending with a glass of Lao Lao whisky with poisonous Scolpendra and a turtle inside!

No Name Yet - Laos

No need to hurry to find the right name for a new-born baby. You may need time to understand which would be the appropriate one...

Everyday life of a Red Tai village in Laos. A mother weaves up to3 meters of beautiful fabric in a day while watching the children.

Rain Spirits over the Jungle - Laos

Laotian Rainmaking rituals during the 3rd day of Songkran. All tribes gather to the temple for the celebrations. Alms will be offered to the Buddhist Monks who will share them with the Akhas, an animist ethnic group.

Irritating the Spirits of the Sky sometimes can be more useful than pleasing them. This is because only when the Spirits get upset the rain starts to pour... This video shows a particular way to carry out Rainmaking practises by shooting rockets to the clouds.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Le Mani dei Primati

Certe volte mi viene da pensare che il modo in cui viviamo con il nostro corpo sia, come dire, fuorviante. Ho la strana sensazione per esempio, che i miei occhi non siano completamente atti al vedere. Non e’ colpa loro del resto, dato che hanno svolto un ottimo lavoro per 28 anni. Sono loro grato per come siano riusciti a superare con successo ore e ore trascorse al computer. Ma io? Posso dire di essere capace a sfruttare il loro potenziale?

La nostra vista può vedere un bersaglio a miglia di distanza, ma quante volte al giorno possiamo realmente alzare lo sguardo sopra l’orizzonte? Nella maggior parte dei casi, questa facoltà ci è addirittura del tutto inutile. Eppure l’antropologo C.L. Strauss scrisse di una tribù con un grande senso dell’orientamento perché era in grado di individuare nel cielo in pieno giorno il pianeta Venere. Lo stesso C.L. Strauss andò a vedersi vecchi trattati di navigazione e scoprì che la stessa cosa era possibile anche per antichi marinai della nostra civiltà. Non si può dire se il resto degli umani abbia perso questa abilità o si sia di dimenticato come usarla. (Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mito e Significato, 1978)

In parallelo, se il primo Homo Sapiens potesse fare una passeggiata nella nostra epoca, potrebbe compiere giusto qualche passo prima di soffocare. Egli non potrebbe vivere in un mondo con milioni di auto così come facciamo noi, anche se probabilmente poteva fare maggior affidamento sull'olfatto nel corso della sua normale vita quotidiana.

Così, dubbi sono avanzati in me riguardo le altre parti del corpo. Non sono più tanto sicuro che la bocca sia per mangiare e la lingua per assaporare il cibo. Non sono nemmeno sicuro che le mie mani afferrino correttamente le cose che sposto da una parte all’altra.

Al contrario, quando vedo degli scimpanzé alla televisione maneggiare delle pietre o dei bastoni, percepisco come essi veramente intendano le loro azioni mentre le compiono. Le loro mani sembrano avere un coscienza propria quando toccano ciò che presto sarà un attrezzo per pescare le formiche attraverso un buco nel terreno. Ho cominciato a credere che in questi momenti, le loro mani pelose, siano più mani delle mie.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Galeb and the Seagull - "The Letter"

One fine day Galeb (Goran Erjavec) decided that his goal in life was not mastering the art of classical guitar; on that very day he set aside his ten-years-long classical bildung and chose the lure of rock and roll, the rusticity of blues, the euphoria of funky.
Good friends and fair musicians accompanied him in his first steps, contributing to the realisation of his a first, genuinely felt EP.

This was but the beginning of a long (and ever longer) series of journeys.

His city had become too narrow for his creative flights, Galeb needed "an open space". Next stop: New Zealand! Six fruitful months, that brought him back with a lot of new ideas and the determination to dedicate himself to music.

From that moment on, the northern hemisphere of his art would be the faithful voice of his "room-neighbour" and life companion: Galeb's younger sister, the Seagull (Gaia Erjavec).
Galeb and the Seagull make a powerful duo, performing captivating “100% organic beach-music”... and warming up for the next departure together. A year in Australia full of adventures and meaningful experiences, that would see the fearless Galebs coming back home with new energy and creativity.

Even though separated for some time, following diverging paths, brother and sister would shortly meet again at home, Trieste, just in time to record "Sweet and Sour, Please!", their ticket for the next destination: the crazy streets of Berlin. 
And the right place for street musicians.

Here Galeb has the chance to share his experiences, emotions and passions directly with the people and get the best of the city's vibrations to cultivate with care the seeds of what will become "Picking Flowers". A sincere solo album, the result of the first six months busking in Berlin, with the Seagull and alone...

… and the flowers are continuing to bloom! Soon, very soon, Galeb will share with us the impressions of the last months of experiences, meetings, travelling, and hard work!

Here's “The Letter”, a taste of “The Sailor, The Bird ans the Butterfly”, the new album.

Enjoy and share the music!

Where to next?

On Soundcloud, listen to Galeb and the Seagull's music and download it for free;
Watch the videos on the youtube channel;
Follow his flights on the constantly updated facebook page, never miss a gig!

Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Hands of the Apes

Sometimes, the thought comes to my mind that the way we are living with our body is misleading. I get the strange feeling, for example, that my eyes are not entirely to see any more. It's not up to them, though. They have been doing an extraordinary job for 28 years and I am grateful to them for how they managed to overwhelm successfully hours spent in front of the laptop. But what about my part? Am I able to use my eyes up to their potential?

Our sight can spot target miles and miles away, but how many times during the day can we raise our eyes above the horizon? In most of the cases, this faculty is not of any use any more, even though the anthropologist C.L. Strauss wrote of a tribe with an extraordinary sense of orientation because they could spot Venus in the sky during day time. Then, he went to see old treaties of navigation and he found out that it was possible for old sailors of our civilisation as well, but we can not say if the rest of the humans lost this skill or simply forgot how to do it. (Claude Lévi-Strauss, Myth and Meaning, 1978)

In parallel, if the first Homo Sapiens could have a walk in our time, he would take just a few steps before suffocating. He could not live in a world with million of cars as we do, but probably he could rely much more on his nose for his every day life.

So, doubts raised on me about other parts of the body. I am not sure the mouth is for eating and the tongue to taste food. I am not even sure if my hands are grabbing correctly things I move from a place to another.

On the contrary, when I see Chimps on TV handling rocks or stick, I perceive they really mean those actions. Their hands seem to have a conscience on their own when they touch what soon will be a tool for fishing ants trough a hole in the ground. I started to believe that in these moments, their hairy hands are more hands than mines.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

A Threatening Object

Its features make it resemble a Praying Mantis...

In the last few days, I have been feeling somehow uncomfortable when sitting at the computer for work. I feel observed and I cannot keep on typing like nothing is happening... It must be something nearby (but hidden!!) which is spreading anxiety... I just cannot play indifferent!

In its natural habitat, close to the usual companions:
sheets of paper and a ballpoint pen.

I get more and more distracted, but I continue my work. I just slow down a little bit, in a way to make it look like a short natural and disinterested brake on my rhythm... but I am actually monitoring the premises...and with the corner of my eye I try to see what lies next to me.... 

I got it! 
Free to roam on the white surface of the desk.

Close by, I eventually notice a small object: a staple remover!!! It has been left between a ream and a ballpoint pen for days and days.... In its inched-sized oblivion, it preserves its stillness even though its four teeth -looking more like fangs or claws- are somewhat intimidating.... :)

Friday, 16 May 2014

Ernst L. Kirchner: running on The Bridge

Die Zirkusreiterin
In 1905 few architecture students at the German university of Dresden chose the name “die Brücke” -The Bridge- to highlight the purpose of their entrance into the world of art as a united group. They were ready to start an ambitious journey, even though their restlessness did not make it seem so.

By means of bold brushstrokes, those students were to become the missing link between the medieval German masters such as Dürer and Grünewald, and what they believed to be the spirit of their time. Following the space-time coordinates of the history of art with large spans over the academic tradition, they wished besides to find a common point in the artistic expressions of Europe,tribal Africa and Oceania.

The rooms of Fritz Bleyl , Karl Schmidt- Rottluff , Erich Heckel, and in particular the one of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - an old butcher's shop in Dresden- became the settings for years of frantic research. The object of their investigations was the emotional impact given by the shapes constituting the material reality surrounding us. Through combinations of colours able to capture specific moments of the perception, they managed to cut the sensorial elaboration into infinite particular layers.

In a few years, due to the growing appreciation of the public and thanks to the favourable critics, the group moved to the capital, Berlin. There, Kirchner could deepen his analysis of the urban dimension by studying the atmospheres created by the neon lights. In his paintings the electrical power of these halos seems not to leave behind the dimly shaded loneliness of the metropolitan mass.

Rattling trams and desolate crossroads accompany the steps of the pedestrians whose faces appear like fish swimming in dark waters when suddenly caught by single rays of electrical light.

Attics, nightclubs and circus are notably the places where Kirchner widened his study of the human figure portrayed mostly indoors. Here, the subjects of his works seem to fall alternately in an apparent state of rest or in the excitement of a frenzy dance.

In 1913 the Bridge broke up. Probably, Kirchner’s self-centeredness in writing Chronik der Brücke , the Chronicles of the group , irritated his companions who didn’t recognized themselves in the text. After this event, each member attempted to diminish the experience of the Brücke, especially in regard to their individual artistic growth. A little bit of a paradox if you think about an artistic phenomenon whose creative energy contributed, in parallel with the movement of the Fauves in France, to the birth of Expressionism.

Self-portrait as a Soldier
With the outbreak of World War I Kirchner enlisted as a volunteer, but he was an emotional soldier who suffers from the discipline. Soon he was victim of a serious nervous breakdown that caused his reformation from the army. Explicit in this regard, Kirchner’s "Self-Portrait as a Soldier" where he portrayed himself in uniform and with a mutilated hand, even though he never suffered such physical accident.

Kirchner took refuge at a sanatorium in the Alpine resort of Davos in Switzerland. Under the supervision of the doctors, his conditions improved and he managed to ease his addiction to alcohol and morphine. The recovery was also an opportunity to come in close contact with the natural environment which resolved the last part of Kirchner’s artistic activity.

In a letter from Davos in 1913 Kirchner writes: "Van de Velde has written me today that I should go back to modern life. For me this is out of the question. And I do not even regret it ... The delights that the world provides are the same everywhere, differing only in their outer form. Here you can learn instead how to see further and go deeper than you can do in the "modern" life, which is generally much, much more superficial despite its wealth of outer forms."

Bathers on the Lawn
During the convalescence, Kirchner success grew further and in 1921 fifty of his works were on display at the Berliner Kronprinzenpalais. But many other exhibitions took place all over Germany and forced him to reconsider the possibility of a return to his homeland, where he finally went to work again at a relentless pace.

At the beginning of the 30’s Kirchner’s great versatility as a painter, wood engraver and sculptor gave him new opportunities and soon he was in charge of the decoration of the Hall of the Folkwang Museum in Essen. A job that, unfortunately, he was never able to complete due to the coming to power of the Nazi regime that seized the property and put Kirchner in the list of "degenerate artists".

Starting from 1933, Kirchner was continually opposed by Goebbels’ cultural reforms and soon he was forbidden to exhibit in Germany. Over six hundred of his works were confiscated from the museums to be destroyed or sold abroad.

Paar im Zimmer
Made even more fragile by the political circumstances and the ban on modern art, Kirchner committed suicide at his home in Davos, a year before the outbreak of the Second World War.

For an introduction to the work of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, I suggest to follow the links below which lead to two texts in pdf format.


Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Calypso and Odysseus

Calypso's Isle, Herbert James Draper, 1897
Calypso is a nymph of the Ocean whose name comes from the Greek kalyptō which means "to hide ". In accordance to her name, she lives alone in a cave in Ogygia, a mysterious island located somewhere in the Western Mediterranean sea. Her eternal life, rather than going through the days and the seasons, seems to be a single instant far away from the rest of the world. A world, in any case, not able to understand Calipso’s charm and beauty.

One day, brought by the waves, the shipwrecked Odysseus lands to Ogygia. This does not seem real to Calipso: she takes care of him, she restores and charms him in that little corner of paradise in the middle of the sea. On the island there is abundance of any wealth: food, comfort, satisfaction and old age are not a nightmare to wash away with the water of an unobtainable spring. On this new land the decay does not occur.

Yet Odysseus eventually gets bored and all this comfort becomes dull and unbearable to his eyes. Some sources report how Calypso managed to keep the hero in Ogygia for seven years, other texts state less. But, as a matter of fact, Odysseus will at last go away, helped in this by the gods. Urged by Athena, Zeus sent the god’s messenger Hermes to Ogygia with the order for Calypso not to hinder the departure of Ithaca’s hero. On the contrary, the voice that comes from the Olympus is clear: Calypso shall collaborate!

The nymph does not disobey; she understands and helps by preparing the supplies and the barrels of wine for the voyage. She also shows to Odysseus where to take the wood to build his raft, so that the hero becomes suspicious and makes her swear that it is not a trap. There is no deception in the heart of the nymph and Calypso swears on the holy waters of the river Styx without resistance.

Once again Odysseus faces the waves, but differently from the past this time he is alone. Nevertheless, he will always bring with him the everlasting remembrance of his lost companions. Eternity has been rejected; flattery and ease have had the same response. Once again days will always bring something new and there will never be an end to discovery.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Ulisse e Calipso

Beckmann, Max, Odysseus and Calypso,1943
Calipso è una ninfa dell'Oceano il cui nome deriva da kalyptō che significa “nascondere”. In sintonia con il suo nome ella abita da sola in una grotta presso Ogigia, un’isola misteriosa da qualche parte nel Mediterraneo Occidentale. La sua vita eterna, più che svolgersi attraverso i giorni e le stagioni, sembra essere un punto istante lontano, fuori dalla portata del mondo. Un mondo comunque incapace di poter comprendere il suo fascino e la sua bellezza.

Ad Ogigia giunge portato dalle onde Ulisse naufrago e a Calipso non sembra esser vero. Lo cura, lo ristora e lo ammalia all’interno di quel piccolo paradiso terrestre in mezzo al mare. Sull’isola vi è ogni ricchezza: cibo, conforto, appagamento e la vecchiaia non è un’incubo da lavare con l’acqua di una fonte introvabile. La putrefazione non ha luogo.

Eppure ad Ulisse tutto questo diventa noioso, sordo, insopportabile. Alcune fonti riportano come Calipso sia riuscita a mantenere l’eroe ad Ogigia per sette anni, meno secondo altre. Sta di fatto che Ulisse se ne andrà, aiutato in questo dagli dei. Zeus infatti, su sollecitazione di Atena, avrebbe presto inviato ad Ogigia il messaggero Ermete per ordinare a Calipso di non ostacolare la partenza dell’itacese. Al contrario, la voce che giunge dall’Olimpo è chiara: che Calipso collabori!

La ninfa non disubbidisce, comprende e aiuta. Prepara per il viaggio le provviste e gli otri di vino e indica all’eroe dove prendere i legni per costruirsi la sua zattera, tanto che egli diventa sospettoso e la fa giurare che non si tratti di un tranello. Ma il cuore della ninfa non gli ordisce nessun inganno e Calipso giura senza trope resistenze sulle acque dello Stige.

Ulisse se ne va, affrontando nuovamente le onde senza i compagni ma recando con sè il loro imperituro ricordo. L’eternità è stata rifiutata, le lusinghe e l’agio hanno avuto uguale risposta. I giorni saranno sempre una novità. Non ci sarà mai fine alla scoperta.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Head-shaped Jug by Paul Gauguin

Gauguin, Van Gogh and the origin of a Self-Portrait

Van Gogh wished with all his heart that his friend Gauguin could reach him in the South of France where he had settled. Even though he was in need of money, Vincent was there to get to know how to sketch a Nature completely unfamiliar to him: olive trees, corn fields and cypresses were shining under a Mediterranean sun whose rays were a discovery he wanted to share with Paul by giving birth to an artistic friendship.

We can track this wish on many of Van Gogh’s missives addressed both to the French Painter and his brother Theo.

Dear Theo, 
I was thinking about Gauguin: if Gauguin wants to come over here, we should think about the travel and two beds or two mattresses which, in this case, we need to buy. But then, being Gauguin a guy who sorts it out, we will probably be up to prepare our food at home. And with the same amount of money that I spend for myself we will manage to live in two. You know that it seemed always foolish to me that painters live alone ... When you are isolated you always lose. […]

Finally, on a day of December 1888 Gauguin went to the Provencal town of Arles. Deplorably, the incompatibility of the two personalities made of his stay over the Flemish painter a 9 weeks period of fire and delirium. During this time they reached the point to face each other with a razor, the same object Van Gogh used afterwards to cut his left ear without any apparent reason. 

With the blood pouring fluently all over his neck, Vincent wrapped the piece of flesh in a newspaper and run to the brothel where he used to find relief whenever his pockets allowed it. Once there, he committed the ear to the hands of a girl, but not before making sure that she was going to take really care of it.

When Paul saw Vincent coming back home with his head all in blood, he got so scared that something in his soul -something located in between pride, understanding and bravery - trembled on its foundations. It was most probably because of this new frightening knowledge that a few days later, back in Paris, Gauguin attended the execution of Prado, old owner of Le Café des Artistes “Le Tambourin”, sentenced to death by guillotine for murder. I suppose that Gauguin was there because he was set on a particular kind of quest: he wanted to overcome the burning feeling of uncertainty unexpectedly disclosed to his inner self.

Unfortunately the execution didn’t go how it was supposed to go. At first the blade fell aslant and it cut only part of the face of the convict who stood up again with preternatural force. Only with the intervention of several guards it was possible to put the man back in position and perform the execution a second time. Eventually Prado’s head fell down.

We don’t know if Gauguin found what he was looking for, but following these events he carved the Head-shaped Jug (1889), a porcelain self-portrait today kept at Copenhagen Kunstindustrimuseet.   

A work of art that combines the Japanese style of painting and the crafting of glazed ceramic while realizing a concept typical of the Peruvian tradition: an object of everyday use fashioned in a human form. An object that, through the picture, doesn’t show the macabre energy it conveys when seen alive.